Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 20 40 07
86 Avenue Foch, 75116 Paris France
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
The Nymphoplasty is the reduction of the inner lips of the female intimate area (labia minora)
The reduction of the labia minora (nymphoplasty) is an increasingly frequent request in plastic and cosmetic surgery consultations. The media coverage, in particular, of this type of problem has led many patients to consult. These increasingly younger patients experience a real complex, sometimes since adolescence, which can cause problems in their love life.
This type of intimate surgery is simple from a technical point of view and has excellent results, providing patients with real physical and psychological relief. On the other hand, it is important that this intervention, which can present risks, be carried out by practitioners accustomed to a surgical environment (operating theater). In France, it can also be partially covered by health insurance.
ANESTHESIA: local or sedation
The oldest technique (longitudinal technique) consists of removing the excess skin-mucous membrane by following a crescent that cuts the upper part of the labia minora, as if cutting hair.
In some cases, an amputation (nymphectomy) is possible. The downside to this technique is that it decapitates the labia minora, leaving a bulge that no longer resembles the normal anatomy of a labia minora. In addition, the scar covers the entire area that is in contact with underwear, therefore increasing the risk of healing disorders (disunity, infection, hematoma). Patients tend to complain about important postoperative consequences, as well as a higher risk of frequent after-effects, such as dyspareunia.
Recently, techniques derived from plastic surgery techniques using “V” resections or V-plasty have made it possible to reduce the length of the scar in order to avoid the risk of local complications. The technique uses a central V-shaped resection that limits the scar to the central part of the labia minora, making it a more superior technique to the classic technique. It allows small to moderate resections but is sometimes insufficient for larger hypertrophy. It has the drawback of placing the scars in the central part of the labia minora, which can be a source of healing problems if there is a partial disunity due to a lack of rigor.
The consequences are low if basic hygiene and safety advice are followed. During the days following the operation, pain is possible such as a burning sensation, which can be calmed by simple analgesics (paracetamol). Local care must be done every day, such as local disinfection until the absorbable threads fall out. Showers are allowed from the 3rd day but not baths for at least 3 weeks.
Finally, an important point to specify, sexual intercourse is prohibited, as well as the use of periodic tampons for 4 to 6 weeks following healing.
Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 20 40 07
86 Avenue Foch, 75116 Paris France
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Tel: +41 22 368 55 55
5 Place du Molard, 1204, Geneva Switzerland
Thursday & Friday – appointment only
Centre CLEAGE : Anti-Aging Clinic
Hours of operation may vary. If an urgent appointment is needed outside of these hours, please contact us for confirmation.