Intimate Surgery – FAQ

What causes vaginal problems?

Sexual difficulties affect both heterosexual and gay women. Now well identified, these difficulties are reported by 43% of women. It is estimated that:

  • 16-75% of female sexual problems relate to desire
  • 16-48% to orgasm
  • 12-64% to arousal
  • 7-58% to sexual pain.

These problems, which result from a combination of biological, psychological and relational factors, are still poorly understood due to a lack of relevant experimental and clinical data. Persistent and recurring problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain that cause pain in patients or strain the relationship with their partner are now classified under the medical term as “female sexual dysfunction”. Many women experience difficulty with sexual function at some point in their life. Female sexual dysfunction can start at any age; it can exist throughout life or appear late.

A woman with sexual problems or female sexual dysfunction may be reluctant to talk about it, including her gynecologist. Most surveys indicate that patients would like to discuss their sexual problems with healthcare professionals but find it difficult to engage in a conversation on this topic.


Sexual dysfunctions: what are they?

Sexual dysfunction is broadly defined as the inability to fully enjoy a sexual act. More specifically, sexual dysfunctions are disorders that interfere with the full cycle of sexual response. These disorders are responsible for difficulty enjoying or having sex. While sexual dysfunction rarely threatens physical health, it can take a heavy psychological toll and lead to depression, anxiety and crippling feelings of inadequacy. Female sexual dysfunction can be subdivided into desire, arousal, orgasm and sexual pain disorders. Sexual disturbances with pain include dyspareunia and vaginismus. Female sexual arousal disorder is an inability to achieve or maintain sufficient sexual arousal, resulting in personal suffering which can be expressed by the absence of subjective arousal or genital response (lubrication, intumescence) or other somatic responses.

Orgasmic dysfunction is the inability to reach orgasm during sexual stimulation. This disturbance can cause marked interpersonal suffering or difficulties. This dysfunction is no better explained by another psychological condition, by the direct physiological effects of a substance or by another general medical condition. The diagnosis of female orgasm disorder can be made. This condition is considered primary when the woman has never experienced an orgasm, regardless of the mode of stimulation. It is considered secondary if the woman has had orgasms in the past but is currently anorgasmic.

Vaginismus, an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the outer third of the vagina, is often linked to sexual phobias or to previous abuse or trauma. Vaginismus can be total or situational, meaning that a pelvic exam is possible, but not intercourse. Therapy and support for women with vaginismus can be set up, often successfully, by attending physicians.

Dyspareunia includes three types of pain: superficial, vaginal and deep. Superficial dyspareunia manifests itself during attempts at penetration; it is often the result of anatomical conditions or irritation, or even vaginismus. Vaginal dyspareunia is rubbing pain (i.e. a problem with lubrication) that includes arousal disturbances. Profound dyspareunia is pain associated with penetration, often associated with disease or relaxation of the pelvis. The decline in desire is still poorly understood. We know that certain medical conditions can interfere with sexual desire. For example, depressive illness often greatly affects it, as does stress or fatigue. Desire disturbances in pre-menopausal patients may be the result of lifestyle factors (eg. professional career, children), medication use or other sexual dysfunction (eg. pain or orgasm disorders). It is estimated that around 30% of women have no sexual desire at all. Some women may be affected only at certain times in their life, for example during pregnancy or childbirth, during breastfeeding and menopause or in times of crisis, upheaval or illness. For others, it may be a chronic situation of suffering.


What are the causes of sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction can be the result of a physical or psychological problem.

Physical causes: Many physical and / or medical conditions can lead to sexual problems: diabetes, heart failure, neurological diseases, hormonal imbalances, menopause and chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, as well as alcoholism and drug addiction. The side effects of some medications, including some antidepressants, can also affect sexual desire and function.

Psychological causes: These include work-related stress and anxiety, worry about sexual performance, marital or relationship difficulties, depression, feelings of guilt, and the effects of past sexual trauma.

The most common sexual disorders in women are related to desire and arousal; Then comes pain during sex or difficulty penetrating. These observations are taken from an article by British researchers published in the journal Obstetrician & Gynaecologist.


What are the causes of urinary tract infections?

Urinary incontinence is a common health problem in women, with a reported prevalence of 11.4 to 73%. Urinary incontinence has also been pointed out as having negative repercussions on female sexuality. The association between urinary incontinence and sexual problems was established by Temml et al., who reported that 25.1% of women with urinary incontinence had sexual problems of varying importance. The results of a study by Aslan et al. showed that urinary incontinence significantly reduced sexual function in sexually active premenopausal women. Sexual dysfunction is a prevalent and distressing problem in women with urinary incontinence. It reduces the level of satisfaction and the quality of the sexual life of these patients.


In Paris: Doctor Benadiba Clinic

Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 20 40 07
86 Avenue Foch, 75116 Paris France

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

In Geneva: Centre CLEAGE

Tel: +41 22 368 55 55
5 Place du Molard, 1204,  Geneva Switzerland

Thursday & Friday – appointment only
Centre CLEAGE : Anti-Aging Clinic

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Hours of operation may vary. If an urgent appointment is needed outside of these hours, please contact us for confirmation.